Our Committee

Sandra Mathoslah Sayegh

Hello! I was born in Cairo, raised in Texas, studied English Literature in college (which was the absolute best!), and then went on to pharmacy school. Spending 13.5 years as an officer in the United States Public Health Service has given me opportunities to practice pharmacy in a federal prison, warehouses, hospitals, community shelters, emergency responses, overseas during a disease outbreak, and military bases.

I love lakes and mountains, the Lord of the Rings, British literature, and pretty much everything from Japan!

I'm married to an incredible man, Munir, and together we have three wild and whimsical kiddos. Motherhood has been the most difficult and humbling journey for me, but I'm grateful to have front row seats to watch these magical little ones discover life.

Her First Love was born out of a discovered, shared need that came up through conversations amongst a group of friends. We felt that adult women needed a place to come together to grow, laugh, connect, re-connect with the Trinity, challenge each other, express themselves, uncover more of who they truly are, and gain practical and spiritual tools to live a life that is intentional, holy, and filled with Peace. We needed it ourselves and as we invited others along the way, it became very clear we were not alone

I pray HFL is a vessel for spiritual refreshment, renewal, and community.

I pray it is a place where we can step out of the world for a few days and remember our first Love...where we can meet and be transformed by Christ through His Word, the Eucharist, the words of His servants, the hymns of liturgical worship, the songs of praise, and the souls of the amazing women who come together each year - and to use these tools to experience that connection with Christ each day of our lives

I also pray HFL is a place where we can see that the Church has given us countless ways to develop and nourish our relationship with God.

Every woman should know she does not have to suffer silently or journey alone. We are your family, and we are here to pray with you and cheer you on. We want to see you flourish and spread your wings in the Love of God…and to spread that Love to everyone around you. The world greatly needs it.


Christina Azmy Bissada

I’m Christina, married to my wonderful husband, Emad, and mother to our cutie baby, Joy. I was born and raised in Tennessee, moved to PA, and now have lived in North Carolina for some time now. I’m a professor of math education but currently staying at home with Joy. She truly is our joy :) 

I attended the very first retreat many years ago, and it had such a positive impact on me. It was such a beautiful spiritual retreat that had so many thoughtful details - like positive notes written on the mirrors and a fun balloon release! The group was very small, which made it easy to bond closely that weekend.

The retreat made me feel special and cared for. My soul sisters on the committee recruited me to help out with the next one, and I’ve been serving on the committee since then. It’s been such a blessing to see the way God has used HFL to make so many other women also feel special and cared for by Him. 

Women give so much of themselves in every facet of life. It is so incredibly touching to see how HFL fills a need for women to retreat and reset. I feel we all leave HFL after just those few short days re-energized to serve in our regular roles.

Something I will never forget is the year we had a surprise tea party - I watched each woman walk into the hall with such joy, and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about how touched those women felt. I pray God continues to allow me to see His work in this service. 


Sarah Iskander

I’m a wife of a good and brilliant man, a mother of two funny girls, a therapist, and a pharmacist. Becoming a therapist was a huge turning point in my life, and I’m grateful to God that He opened the doors for me to pursue my passion. I hope you can, too!

If we talk deeply, I’ll probably incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles one way or another! I’m from Houston, TX originally but have lived in a few different cities in the US :) 

I’m honored to have been a part of HFL from its inception. A group of us noticed the service was needed, and we simply made ourselves available to fill the need. It’s so sweet to remember the first retreat and the energy and passion we put into making it as lovely and deep and personal as it could be.

That desire has never changed, and it’s heartwarming and motivating to me to see how it continues to evolve yet also stay unchanged at the heart after all these years. 

Through the years, I’ve grown even more passionate about HFL because of how deep the need is. I love getting to see the vulnerability and community shared at HFL, and year after year God sends special people to the retreat that it’s an honor to get to know and to see how God is working in their lives. 


Mariam Hage

I work in HR for a British company. I have lived in the Dallas area for almost 30 years with my husband and two children (25 yo & 23 yo). 

Last year was my first year serving with the HFL committee. 

I love the bond of women supporting women. We all have a lot of responsibilities—encouraging and lifting each other up is what HFL represents.

We are all called to serve. There is nothing better than standing next to and serving alongside other women.


Monica Kalleeny

Hey! I’m Monica.

Yep, I’m a pharmacist - but not too crazy about drugs. I believe hugs and bodily care are more needed than pills.

You won’t usually catch me asking about your career; I want to hear about you, your dreams, your fears, your passion, your favorite chocolate... your skin care regimen...that sorta thing :).

If I was an animal, I’d probably be a butterfly; I’m a conservative free spirit, and you’ll more than likely catch me frolicking somewhere. My hair is just as unfiltered as my personality.

I’m an extrovert who totally loves the introvert life. Some say I’m a total romantic who lives in my own bubble... I prefer to call it “Faith in His promises.” And yes girllll, there is ALWAYS a reason to smile. (Thank God :)).

How did I get involved with HFL? So, we are a group of friends (each of us SO different but still so beautifully connected) who aren’t afraid to share needs. We all decided we needed and wanted some sort of something for us women and that was it.

We went all in, and God took off with it from there. Beauty of friendship - you help each other find real solutions and encourage each other to stop dilly dallying and just DO IT. 

The first year for HFL, many (Abounas included) panicked because of the name “Her First Love.” Once we had the “this-is-not-a-sappy-cry-for-marriage... but-a-need-for-our-FIRST-LOVE-and-real-connection” talk, we were ready to roll.

Only 22 people felt safe attending our first time around, but as you can see, God really has not stopped surprising us since then. I LOVE watching how beautifully His hands plan every detail so perfectly for the women attending, each retreat.  

When my life wasn’t matching up with the “standard/assumed” chronological timeline, I realized how much encouragement, support, realness, vulnerability, realignment I needed. God allowed me to start noticing the many women around me in different walks of life who may also be feeling a similar way.

Our church history is abundantly blessed with women who left lasting impacts on their communities, their families, and the church. HFL encourages me to follow their lead, to find those women, empower them and learn from them.

I HAVE SO MANY MEMORIES of HFL! But for your sake, I will only pick one.

To the women who wrote me “encouragement cards” back in 2011, I thank you. You changed my life, my outlook on myself, and deadened my desire to “Instagram” filter my talents to appear much more Grande to the public and to myself.

I may have not thanked you then, and may have even perceived your words to be just “fluff” at the time, but the repeated messages throughout the following years began to open my eyes. You taught me that our Lord is TRULY present in all the places I may think He’s not.

When I desired to be an “Esther” or a “Coptic Beyoncé” (?? really couldn’t think of any other dramatic pop culture name), or a very intellectual revolutionist, you made me see that He lies greatly in all the gifts that I may overlook completely—like my smile, or my hugs or my super child- like ways. Thank you for seeing Him in many of my insecurities and making me thankful for the gifts I always overlooked.

 Every woman attending should know that He is WITHOUT A DOUBT offering the world something through you. Allow others to point it out to you and please believe them. Then don’t stop thanking Him.


Laura Michael

Hey! I'm Laura. I serve at St. Demiana in Jacksonville, FL with Nancy. I work over at Coptic Dad & Mom. I’m also a school teacher.

The first time I attended an HFL Retreat I went just as a cheerleader for some women from our congregation. I had my infant son with me and barely got to attend any lectures. But just from the little moments I was able to enjoy, it was super clear to me that this retreat was an absolute must for the women of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Once my son was weaned, I got on Sandra to make sure another retreat was put on because I knew how desperately I needed it. Somehow, Sandra roped me into the committee, too. It's been the biggest honor being part of what's happening here.

HFL is a sisterhood, devoid of pretense. It's about vulnerability—being real, loving each other and worshiping God.

HFL is a chance to spend some serious, devoted, quiet time with God, without all the distractions and responsibilities of home. It's my battery recharging for an entire year's worth of spiritual growth. Because it's held during Lent, it's like a jump start that pushes me into a strong Holy Week.

I want every woman attending to know you will get out of HFL exactly what you put in. If you open your heart and speak to God (and listen to Him, too!) throughout the weekend, these will be the best days of your year so far--and fuel for the rest of the wonderful blessings to come.

I want every woman attending to know that behind the scenes your HFL committee is praying for you and loving you and planning every detail with you in mind.


Nancy Tadros

Hello! I’m Nancy. I’m originally from Montreal, but now my husband and I serve at St Demiana's church in Jacksonville Florida.

I’m a nutritionist, and I love my patients. I learn so much from their faith.

I got involved with HFL in 2024 to help this wonderful and blessed team as much as I can.

Women are so incredible and the perfect example of secret service in their lives. I want to take the blessing of serving and learning from them in anyway! 


Joys Miller

I am a mom, military spouse and work as a family nurse practitioner.  I've had the blessing of traveling with my husband who is now retired from the US Navy.  We are living in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia where we are raising our two children.

I first got involved in HFL a year ago after coming back from a long overseas deployment. I always was involved in my community and church community but living overseas offered me a quietness in my life that I was not used to or comfortable with. 

I learned during that time the meaning of "Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious" 1 Peter 3:4.  

HFL came into my life one year ago when I decided to volunteer with these amazing ladies who understand and know the value of quietness. It was a blessing to attend last year and it is one of the things that has carried me through the waves of raising a family and striving to enter the narrow gate.  

HFL is important because it is  a time when I can leave the worries, hustle and bustle of life and juggling marriage, children, and a full time job to hear His voice. It's refreshing to be around and learn from other women who are in many different stages of life but we are all united in one thing: seeking Him. 

I pray that this retreat can continue to give rest to all of us and be a time of refreshing and growth.