Registration is closed for the year! Thank you all!

A new year and a new HFL has arrived!

As much as we'd love to gather in person together at our beautiful Convent this 2021, we have decided to provide a remote experience in the interest of keeping ourselves, our communities, and our sisters and mothers at the Convent safe and sound.

For 2021 Registration, please choose between one of the two remote experiences we’re offering. Both experiences will follow our theme and book: Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe. All of the content provided can be used at your own pace throughout Lent and hopefully serve as a small piece of solace for you.

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Registration Map

We’ll be updating this map throughout the registration period to show you where this year’s HFL ladies are located!

Because this is a remote experience, we’ve also had registrations from Canada, Australia, the UK, Italy, Ireland, and Switzerland! How exciting!


Even though we cannot gather at the convent this year, we wanted to still provide you a tangible Her First Love experience.

Your care package includes:

  • Hard copy of the book Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe

  • Hard copy of our custom HFL guidebook

  • Access to Digital Experience content and bonus goodies

  • Exclusive HFL goodies

Your care package will ship out in early March.

These HFL Care Packages will be assembled and sent by our beloved mothers and sisters. Please consider donating to the St. Mary and St. Demiana Convent.

NOTE: Care Packages are only available to the U.S. and Canada.



Not looking for our special Care Package Experience? The HFL Digital Experience comes with a downloadable version of the guidebook to follow our theme and book, Interior Freedom, along with some bonus digital content, too!

This experience does NOT include a copy of the book, but you can choose to purchase it from the Convent Bookstore or from Amazon.

Your Digital Experience will arrive in your email inbox in early March.


Whether you choose to receive our special Care Package Experience or the Digital Experience, you are also invited to donate to the Convent with us. Donate to the Convent through Her First Love:
